Bridge Insights

Acing Your Skill Assessments

Dec 3, 2019

More and more, employers aren’t satisfied with simply knowing what programs you’re proficient in—they want to know how well you know them.

Enter the Skill Assessment Test. Taking these timed tests can be nerve-wracking; you may be an Excel expert, but once you see that little timer in the right-hand corner, all your knowledge goes out the window.

Don’t worry, though. If you’re looking for a place to brush up before hitting that “begin test” button, Bridge has got you covered.

Here are a few of our favorite places for refresher courses and practice tests on various software skills.

Goodwill’s online library has a video tutorial for just about anything you can think of, and best of all, it’s free to use. At Bridge, we specifically love how comprehensive their Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access) tutorials are, but this is a great resource overall.

This site is a little more niche when it comes to classes offered. has resources ranging from virtual one-time classes all the way to certifications and career path development courses.

Some of their high-level courses include specialized professional positions like Human Resources, Project Management, Data Sciences, App Development, Marketing & Communications and more. Along with resources for the “workplace fundamentals”, this is a great tool for professionals looking to advance their professional knowledge.

This list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning a typing test, and we love

This site lets you customize the kind of typing test you want to take. Additionally, there are all sorts of practice courses and games, so that you can actually improve your typing skills, as opposed to merely testing them over and over again.

Your Local Library

If face-to-face learning is more your style, don’t be afraid to check out your local library or village hall.

Most local communities offer regular continuing education classes on a variety of different subjects. Community colleges also offer CE classes and assessment courses. Some of these may be free, but usually there is a small registration fee associated with signing up for a traditional classroom-style course.


In addition to skill reviews, resources like the ones listed above are also great tools to expand your current wheelhouse of skills and learn something new. Regardless of where you are in your career path, or how much you know on a topic, it never hurts to brush up on a subject before taking an assessment for a new job, so the topic is fresh in your mind. This way, when you’re ready to take your skills assessment test, you can ace these questions just like you did on your interview.